JavaFX App

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JavaFX is a powerful platform for developing desktop applications. It is a rich set of APIs that allows developers to create modern, visually appealing, and highly interactive applications. JavaFX is a cross-platform technology that runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux. It is built on top of the Java programming language, which means that developers can leverage the power of Java to create robust and scalable applications.

This cheat sheet is designed to provide a quick reference guide for developers who are getting started with JavaFX. It covers the key concepts, topics, and categories related to JavaFX development.

JavaFX Basics

JavaFX is a platform for building rich client applications. It provides a set of APIs for creating user interfaces, graphics, media, and animations. JavaFX applications can be run on desktops, browsers, and mobile devices.

JavaFX Architecture

JavaFX is built on top of the Java platform. It consists of the following components:

  1. JavaFX Runtime: The JavaFX runtime is a set of libraries that provide the core functionality of JavaFX. It includes APIs for creating user interfaces, graphics, media, and animations.

  2. JavaFX Scene Graph: The JavaFX scene graph is a hierarchical tree structure that represents the visual elements of a JavaFX application. It includes nodes such as buttons, labels, text fields, and images.

  3. JavaFX CSS: JavaFX CSS is a styling language that allows developers to apply styles to the visual elements of a JavaFX application. It is similar to CSS used in web development.

  4. JavaFX Media: JavaFX media provides APIs for playing audio and video files in a JavaFX application.

  5. JavaFX Web: JavaFX web provides APIs for embedding web content in a JavaFX application.

JavaFX User Interface

JavaFX provides a rich set of APIs for creating user interfaces. It includes the following components:

  1. Scene: A scene is a container for all the visual elements of a JavaFX application. It represents a single window or screen of an application.

  2. Stage: A stage is a top-level container for a scene. It represents a window or a dialog box.

  3. Node: A node is a visual element of a JavaFX application. It includes buttons, labels, text fields, images, and other UI components.

  4. Layouts: JavaFX provides a set of layout managers that allow developers to arrange UI components in a flexible and responsive way. Some of the commonly used layout managers are BorderPane, FlowPane, GridPane, HBox, VBox, and StackPane.

  5. Controls: JavaFX provides a set of pre-built UI controls such as buttons, labels, text fields, and checkboxes. These controls can be customized using CSS.

JavaFX Graphics

JavaFX provides a powerful set of APIs for creating graphics. It includes the following components:

  1. Shapes: JavaFX provides a set of pre-built shapes such as rectangles, circles, and polygons. These shapes can be customized using CSS.

  2. Paths: JavaFX provides a set of APIs for creating complex shapes using paths. A path is a sequence of lines, curves, and other shapes.

  3. Images: JavaFX provides APIs for loading and displaying images in a JavaFX application.

  4. Canvas: JavaFX provides a canvas API that allows developers to draw graphics using a low-level API.

  5. Effects: JavaFX provides a set of pre-built effects such as drop shadow, blur, and reflection. These effects can be applied to UI components using CSS.

JavaFX Media

JavaFX provides a set of APIs for playing audio and video files. It includes the following components:

  1. MediaPlayer: The MediaPlayer class provides APIs for playing audio and video files in a JavaFX application.

  2. MediaView: The MediaView class provides a visual representation of a media player in a JavaFX application.

  3. Media: The Media class represents a media file that can be played using the MediaPlayer class.

  4. MediaMarkerEvent: The MediaMarkerEvent class provides APIs for handling events such as when a media file reaches a specific point.

JavaFX Animation

JavaFX provides a powerful set of APIs for creating animations. It includes the following components:

  1. Timeline: The Timeline class provides APIs for creating animations that run over a specific period of time.

  2. KeyFrame: The KeyFrame class represents a specific point in time in an animation.

  3. Animation: The Animation class is an abstract class that provides a base class for all animations in JavaFX.

  4. Transition: The Transition class provides APIs for creating animations that transition from one state to another.

  5. Interpolator: The Interpolator class provides APIs for controlling the rate of change in an animation.


JavaFX CSS is a styling language that allows developers to apply styles to the visual elements of a JavaFX application. It includes the following components:

  1. Selectors: Selectors are used to select the visual elements of a JavaFX application that need to be styled.

  2. Properties: Properties are used to specify the style of a visual element. For example, the background color of a button can be set using the background-color property.

  3. Style Sheets: Style sheets are used to define the styles for a JavaFX application. A style sheet is a text file that contains CSS rules.

  4. Pseudo-classes: Pseudo-classes are used to apply styles to a visual element based on its state. For example, the :hover pseudo-class can be used to apply a style when the mouse is over a button.

JavaFX Events

JavaFX provides a powerful set of APIs for handling events. It includes the following components:

  1. Event: The Event class is the base class for all events in JavaFX.

  2. EventHandler: The EventHandler interface is used to handle events in a JavaFX application.

  3. EventDispatcher: The EventDispatcher class is used to dispatch events to the appropriate event handlers.

  4. EventFilter: The EventFilter class is used to filter events before they are dispatched to event handlers.

JavaFX Concurrency

JavaFX provides a set of APIs for performing tasks in the background. It includes the following components:

  1. Task: The Task class provides APIs for performing long-running tasks in the background.

  2. Service: The Service class provides APIs for creating background services that can be started and stopped.

  3. Platform.runLater(): The Platform.runLater() method is used to execute code on the JavaFX application thread.

  4. Platform.exit(): The Platform.exit() method is used to exit a JavaFX application.


JavaFX is a powerful platform for developing desktop applications. It provides a rich set of APIs for creating modern, visually appealing, and highly interactive applications. This cheat sheet provides a quick reference guide for developers who are getting started with JavaFX. It covers the key concepts, topics, and categories related to JavaFX development. With this cheat sheet, developers can quickly get up to speed with JavaFX and start building their own desktop applications.

Common Terms, Definitions and Jargon

1. JavaFX - A software platform for creating and delivering desktop and mobile applications.
2. Scene Graph - A hierarchical structure that represents the visual elements of a JavaFX application.
3. Stage - A top-level container that represents a window in a JavaFX application.
4. Node - A basic building block of a JavaFX application's scene graph.
5. Layout - A mechanism for arranging nodes within a container.
6. CSS - A stylesheet language used to style the visual elements of a JavaFX application.
7. Event - An action or occurrence that triggers a response in a JavaFX application.
8. EventHandler - A function that handles events in a JavaFX application.
9. Animation - A visual effect that changes over time in a JavaFX application.
10. Timeline - A class that controls the timing of animations in a JavaFX application.
11. Transition - A type of animation that smoothly transitions between two states in a JavaFX application.
12. KeyFrame - A point in time during an animation in a JavaFX application.
13. MediaPlayer - A class that plays audio and video in a JavaFX application.
14. MediaView - A node that displays media content in a JavaFX application.
15. ImageView - A node that displays images in a JavaFX application.
16. Text - A node that displays text in a JavaFX application.
17. Label - A node that displays a text label in a JavaFX application.
18. Button - A node that represents a clickable button in a JavaFX application.
19. CheckBox - A node that represents a checkbox in a JavaFX application.
20. RadioButton - A node that represents a radio button in a JavaFX application.

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