Common Mistakes to Avoid in JavaFX Desktop Development

Are you a JavaFX desktop developer looking to improve your skills and avoid common mistakes? Look no further! In this article, we will discuss some of the most common mistakes made by JavaFX developers and how to avoid them.

Mistake #1: Not Using FXML

One of the biggest mistakes JavaFX developers make is not using FXML. FXML is an XML-based markup language that allows developers to create user interfaces for JavaFX applications. It separates the user interface design from the application logic, making it easier to maintain and update.

Using FXML also allows for better collaboration between designers and developers. Designers can create the user interface using tools like Scene Builder, while developers can focus on the application logic.

Mistake #2: Not Using CSS

Another common mistake is not using CSS to style JavaFX applications. CSS allows developers to separate the presentation of the application from the application logic. This makes it easier to maintain and update the application's appearance.

Using CSS also allows for better consistency across the application. Developers can define styles for different components and reuse them throughout the application.

Mistake #3: Not Using Layout Managers

Layout managers are an essential part of JavaFX development. They allow developers to create user interfaces that adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions. Without layout managers, user interfaces can look distorted or be cut off on different devices.

JavaFX provides several built-in layout managers, including BorderPane, GridPane, HBox, VBox, and FlowPane. Developers should choose the appropriate layout manager for their application and use it consistently throughout.

Mistake #4: Not Using Observable Collections

Observable collections are collections that notify their listeners when they are modified. They are essential for creating dynamic user interfaces that update in real-time.

JavaFX provides several built-in observable collections, including ObservableList, ObservableMap, and ObservableSet. Developers should use these collections instead of regular collections to ensure their user interfaces update correctly.

Mistake #5: Not Using Bindings

Bindings are an essential part of JavaFX development. They allow developers to create relationships between properties, so changes to one property automatically update the other.

For example, developers can bind the text of a label to the value of a text field. When the user updates the text field, the label automatically updates to reflect the new value.

Mistake #6: Not Using Scene Graph Optimization

JavaFX provides several optimizations for improving the performance of user interfaces. One of the most important optimizations is scene graph optimization.

Scene graph optimization involves reducing the number of nodes in the scene graph to improve rendering performance. Developers should use techniques like grouping nodes, using cache hints, and reducing the number of nodes in the scene graph to improve performance.

Mistake #7: Not Using Concurrency

Concurrency is an essential part of JavaFX development. It allows developers to perform long-running tasks without blocking the user interface.

JavaFX provides several concurrency APIs, including Task, Service, and Platform.runLater. Developers should use these APIs to perform long-running tasks in the background and update the user interface when the task is complete.

Mistake #8: Not Using Custom Controls

JavaFX provides several built-in controls, including Button, Label, TextField, and ComboBox. However, sometimes these controls are not enough to meet the needs of the application.

Developers should consider creating custom controls to meet the specific needs of their application. Custom controls can be created using FXML and Java code and can be reused throughout the application.

Mistake #9: Not Using MVC Architecture

MVC (Model-View-Controller) is a design pattern that separates the application logic into three components: the model, the view, and the controller. This separation of concerns makes it easier to maintain and update the application.

JavaFX provides several built-in classes for implementing MVC, including ObservableList, TableView, and TableColumn. Developers should use these classes to implement MVC in their applications.

Mistake #10: Not Using Unit Testing

Unit testing is an essential part of software development. It allows developers to test individual units of code to ensure they work correctly.

JavaFX provides several testing frameworks, including JUnit and TestFX. Developers should use these frameworks to write unit tests for their JavaFX applications.


JavaFX is a powerful platform for developing desktop applications. However, developers must avoid common mistakes to ensure their applications are maintainable, performant, and user-friendly.

By using FXML, CSS, layout managers, observable collections, bindings, scene graph optimization, concurrency, custom controls, MVC architecture, and unit testing, developers can create high-quality JavaFX applications that meet the needs of their users.

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